
Café du Network - GTA Online

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Non mais ça va ouuii!!?? On lui donne toutes les informations sur un plateau d'argent et ca se permet de la ramener!?? Non mais oh!!



(lol hein ^^)



Sinon pour revenir a la Schafter, elle m'a un peu déçu honnetement... Pas très rapide ni tres maniable mais tout de même correcte pour une berline!

Apres niveau custom j'ai claqué 250k pour la TOTALE et elle rend tout de même pas mal au final!

Mais je trouve que la Schwartzer (trouvable en ville au même endroit) a un rendu beaucoup plus classe!

Modifié par MattCaron

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Je viens de voir ça à l'instant aussi, plutôt intéressant tout ça, mais il faut attendre avant de savoir tout le contenu qui sera disponible dans ce nouveau DLC.



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Nouvelles news toute fraîche ! .


Adversary Modes, Daily Objectives and More New Updates Also Coming to GTA Online March 10th
March 03, 2015 3:47PM | Auteur : R* Q 121 commentaires

Next week, Heists will deliver a brand new gameplay experience to GTA Online, offering players the chance to team up to take down big scores. Alongside this massive new addition comes a range of new features and enhancements to make the entire GTA Online experience bigger and deeper. Adversary Modes bring three new kinds of competition to GTA Online while new Daily Objectives and other Freemode activities bring new life to the hectic streets of Los Santos and Blaine County. Here's a rundown of just some of the new features and additions launching next week alongside Heists that will continue to expand and augment the world of Grand Theft Auto Online.

These brand new player vs. player modes bring a range of intense new competitive challenges to GTA Online. Adversary Modes will unlock as players progress through Heists.

Come Out To Play
A team of three Runners just trying to make it home, and a team of Hunters are out for blood. Runners are well-armed but limited to movement by foot, while the opposition wield free-aim shotguns and ride motorbikes or ATVs. Hunters must stay on their bikes and have access to unlimited lives, while the Runners have just one life but all their weapons available to pick off the Hunters at will.

Siege Mentality
Up to four players stand their ground, outnumbered but not outgunned as they fight to survive against up to 6 determined attackers in a location defense mode, GTA style. Attackers have unlimited lives but fight only with sawn-off shotguns. Defenders have full use of all their weapons.

Hasta La Vista
The chase is on as Truckers in big rig cabs hunt down a team of Cyclists. The Cyclists' goal is simple: reach the final checkpoint without getting crushed under the wheels of the pursuing trucks. Without traditional weapons the Truckers must rely solely on their vehicles to crush the Cyclists. Meanwhile, the Cyclists must harness the maneuverability and acceleration of their bikes to evade the trucks, while keeping an eye over their shoulder. If one of the Cyclists reaches the checkpoint, the Cyclists win. If all Cyclists are terminated, the Truckers prevail.
Daily Objectives
The Los Santos daily hustle just got a little more lucrative. Whether you tend towards Jobs or free-form activities, Daily Objectives will give you a rotating series of challenges to take on for GTA$ rewards. With three new objectives per day, players can stack up challenges over consecutive days to earn bonuses of up to $500,000.

New Freemode Activities
You and your fellow players also have new opportunities for cash and RP rewards with new activities added to the world in Freemode. Be on the lookout for calls from Lester, who may need help to distract the cops in a specific area while Lesters accomplices finish their criminal business. Lamar may call looking for help destroying a vehicle or two, while Trevor and Ron need occasional help picking their business rivals planes out of the sky. Along with GTA$ and RP bonuses, there are all-new Awards available for completing these challenges with style.
There's also a new in-game Email notification system that will allow you to contact and message any of your GTA Online friends, no matter what session theyre in - as well as a host of new Awards that yield new items including exclusive t-shirts and car modifications.
Everything detailed here will be added to GTA Online for consoles in tandem with Heists on March 10th and on day one for PC when it launches on April 14. Stay tuned to the Newswire for more news, including our suggestions on how you can ready your crew to

take down scores when Heists launch next week.


Je vous met les photos ☺ .






Modifié par RalphLauren

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Faut qu'ils arretent de mettre leurs masques inutiles et mettent de vrai articles,accesoires et autres.... :whistling:









meme si certains vont dire le contaire

Nouvelles news toute fraîche ! .
Adversary Modes, Daily Objectives and More New Updates Also Coming to GTA Online March 10th
March 03, 2015 3:47PM | Auteur : R* Q 121 commentaires

Next week, Heists will deliver a brand new gameplay experience to GTA Online, offering players the chance to team up to take down big scores. Alongside this massive new addition comes a range of new features and enhancements to make the entire GTA Online experience bigger and deeper. Adversary Modes bring three new kinds of competition to GTA Online while new Daily Objectives and other Freemode activities bring new life to the hectic streets of Los Santos and Blaine County. Here's a rundown of just some of the new features and additions launching next week alongside Heists that will continue to expand and augment the world of Grand Theft Auto Online.

These brand new player vs. player modes bring a range of intense new competitive challenges to GTA Online. Adversary Modes will unlock as players progress through Heists.

Come Out To Play
A team of three Runners just trying to make it home, and a team of Hunters are out for blood. Runners are well-armed but limited to movement by foot, while the opposition wield free-aim shotguns and ride motorbikes or ATVs. Hunters must stay on their bikes and have access to unlimited lives, while the Runners have just one life but all their weapons available to pick off the Hunters at will.

Siege Mentality
Up to four players stand their ground, outnumbered but not outgunned as they fight to survive against up to 6 determined attackers in a location defense mode, GTA style. Attackers have unlimited lives but fight only with sawn-off shotguns. Defenders have full use of all their weapons.

Hasta La Vista
The chase is on as Truckers in big rig cabs hunt down a team of Cyclists. The Cyclists' goal is simple: reach the final checkpoint without getting crushed under the wheels of the pursuing trucks. Without traditional weapons the Truckers must rely solely on their vehicles to crush the Cyclists. Meanwhile, the Cyclists must harness the maneuverability and acceleration of their bikes to evade the trucks, while keeping an eye over their shoulder. If one of the Cyclists reaches the checkpoint, the Cyclists win. If all Cyclists are terminated, the Truckers prevail.
Daily Objectives
The Los Santos daily hustle just got a little more lucrative. Whether you tend towards Jobs or free-form activities, Daily Objectives will give you a rotating series of challenges to take on for GTA$ rewards. With three new objectives per day, players can stack up challenges over consecutive days to earn bonuses of up to $500,000.

New Freemode Activities
You and your fellow players also have new opportunities for cash and RP rewards with new activities added to the world in Freemode. Be on the lookout for calls from Lester, who may need help to distract the cops in a specific area while Lesters accomplices finish their criminal business. Lamar may call looking for help destroying a vehicle or two, while Trevor and Ron need occasional help picking their business rivals planes out of the sky. Along with GTA$ and RP bonuses, there are all-new Awards available for completing these challenges with style.
There's also a new in-game Email notification system that will allow you to contact and message any of your GTA Online friends, no matter what session theyre in - as well as a host of new Awards that yield new items including exclusive t-shirts and car modifications.
Everything detailed here will be added to GTA Online for consoles in tandem with Heists on March 10th and on day one for PC when it launches on April 14. Stay tuned to the Newswire for more news, including our suggestions on how you can ready your crew to take down scores when Heists launch next week.

si tu nous fait un copié collé c'est inutile , on sait tous se rendre sur un lien, ce que tu aurais du faire était de peut être traduire.

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Il y aura également une série de nouveau T-shirt à gagner/débloquer.


Infos relayé à l'instant par Funmw2.


En voici la liste :



Le T-shirt Asshole me laisse curieux. Connaissant R* :lol:

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Bon alors (en résumant):


Il y aura un "gros" ajout de contenu, mais en plus ils ajoutent 3 modes de jeu supplémentaires afin profiter pleinement de l'expérience offerte par GTA Online. Il y aura également des objectifs journaliers qui seront proposés (j'en déduis que ce sera à la manière des "Contrats de Lester".)

Ces activités disponibles en mode-libre apporteront (on l'espère) un vent de nouveauté dans les rues de LS et Blaine County.


Les modes versus (3 nouveaux modes) seront déblocables en fonction de la progression des joueurs au travers des braquages.



Une équipe de courreurs (les runners) doit atteindre un point. L'équipe adverse, les chasseurs (Hunters) doit les tuer. Les Runners sont bien équipés/armés, mais doivent se déplacer à pied uniquement. Les Hunters se déplacent à moto ou en ATV, équipés de fusils à pompe. Ils doivent rester sur leurs moto mais ont un nombre de vie illimité, contrairement aux Runners qui n'ont qu'une vie (comme Gérard de Palmas). Le Runners ont toutes leurs armes à disposition.



Jusqu'à 4 joueurs doivent défendre un lieu/bâtiment (sur le screen c'est le labo + la superette de Trevor). Face à eux, 6 attaquants: ils ont un nombre illimité de vie mais disposent seulement du fusil à canon scié. Les joueurs qui défendent ont toutes leurs armes mais une seule vie (logique)



Une course-poursuite entre les "Truckers" qui roulent dans des gros camions (visibles sur le screen), ils doivent renverser les cyclistes. Apparemment ce serai sans armes. (je pense que ce serai bien fendard comme mod, il y a moyen de se taper de bonnes barres de rire entre potes)


Pour les objectifs quotidiens (daily objectives), on en aura jusqu'à 3 par jour (IRL ou InGame, je ne sais pas). Il y aura un système de "challenges", en jouant plusieurs jours de suite (InGame?) ça peut rapporter jusqu'à 500 000 GTA$.


Il faudra donc surveiller les appels de Lester (qui aurai besoin d'aide pour distraire les flics dans une zone spécifique pendant que ses autres complices font leur job); Lamar pourrait demander notre aide pour détruire des véhicules, Trevor et Ron demanderaient d'abattre des avions ennemis pour garder le monopole de leur bizness.


Il y aura des bonus GTA$, bonus RP et de nouvelles récompenses à débloquer; des t-shirt exclusifs et des nouvelles modifications de voiture.


Le nouveau système d'e-mail InGame permettra de contacter ses amis dans GTA Online, peu importe la session dans laquelle ils se trouvent.


Tout ça sera inclus en même temps que la sortie des braquages le 10 Mars, et sera dispo "day one" sur PC le 14 avril.

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Pour les objectifs quotidiens (daily objectives), on en aura jusqu'à 3 par jour (IRL ou InGame, je ne sais pas). Il y aura un système de "challenges", en jouant plusieurs jours de suite (InGame?) ça peut rapporter jusqu'à 500 000 GTA$.


Sa , sa me rend dingue ! . ?

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Il y aura également une série de nouveau T-shirt à gagner/débloquer.


Infos relayé à l'instant par Funmw2.


En voici la liste :



Le T-shirt Asshole me laisse curieux. Connaissant R* :lol:

Le psycho killer aussi. :p

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