
Let's talk english !

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Hey fellas ! Sadly we forgot this thread. I'm upping it. Come and have a little talk, in english of course !



Great ! I'll explain to you tomorrow why i'm asking that.


You never explained me anything about that :(

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Hey fellas ! Sadly we forgot this thread. I'm upping it. Come and have a little talk, in english of course !



Great ! I'll explain to you tomorrow why i'm asking that.


You never explained me anything about that :(


Oh well... It's simply because I have a strange english teacher this year. He gives us lots of work (a full article to translate every week, plus grammar and stuff), and he speaks like people did in the middle age or whatever.


For example, on a translation test, I had to translate "Il veut que tu viennes.". I wrote "He wants you to come". But it was not the right answer, so I had no points on this. You have to say "He wants you to come along." :D

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I was talking about that :



@Yan : do you know what a suspended cieling is ?



So do I ! In fact, the first day, he said "Vous êtes des nuls en anglais, de toutes façons, c'est évident. Vous avez des lacunes abyssales que les autres profs ne pourront rattraper bien évidemment, mais je ne sais même pas si je le pourrai. Voyons le vocabulaire. Par exemple comment dites-vous... un faux plafond ?"


No one knew the answer obviously, since it's not a vocabulary that we regularly use.


"- A suspended ceiling. Bien sûr, c'tévident, mais vous êtes tellement nuls que vous ne le savez même pas.". :p

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He's very fun actually. He is so haughty that it becomes very funny. And his accent is... funny too. When he talks to us, his accent makes us think that he talks to the Queen... A very rich, royal, old fashioned english accent.


And his clothes... He is dressed like every english people... in the 19th century.


So it's realllllllly fun. I love this teacher :lol:

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I love the english / british accent, it sounds so cool.


Just like this guy :lol:




Well, this guy has just a regular english accent. My english teacher has a very bourgeois and royal accent. It's ridiculous. I'm not even sure that the Queen herself talks like him nowadays. Fifity years ago, maybe...


The funniest word he says is "three" (the number three). Because he prononces it as "free". It's ridiculous (and funny :sorcerer: ), because when we have a test and we have three minutes left, he says "free minutes". And we may translate "free minutes" as "you have as much minutes as you want left" = "you have as much time as you want to finish the test" :lol:

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Well in fact, three is not pronounced like tree, it's closer to free, but dosen't sounds exactly the same. I guess your teacher is exaggerating it.


The Queen is really funny to hear, so I assume your teacher is hilarious !

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